Halloween Safety Tips for Dogs & Cats

As Halloween approaches, I know many of you are excited to celebrate with your families and friends. It's such a fun time of year, with the decorations, costumes, and candy, but it can also be a bit of a spooky season for our pets. From unfamiliar faces to tempting (but dangerous) treats, it’s essential to take a few precautions to ensure your furry friends have a safe and calm holiday.

I’ve put together some key Halloween safety tips that will help you and your pets enjoy the festivities while avoiding unnecessary stress or danger.

  1. No Treats for Pets!
    I know it’s tempting to want to share some of those delicious Halloween candies with your pets, but remember, many of these treats are harmful to them. Chocolate, which is in so many Halloween goodies, contains theobromine and caffeine, both of which are toxic to dogs and cats. Xylitol, found in some sugar-free candies, can cause serious health issues, including low blood sugar and liver failure in dogs. Raisins, which some people may hand out as a “healthy” snack, are toxic to pets and can cause kidney failure. Even wrappers, which might seem harmless, can cause blockages if swallowed. My Advice: Keep all candy out of your pets’ reach, and make sure they can’t get into wrapper. Familiarize yourself with the ingredients in Halloween treats and keep a close eye on your pet. If they accidentally consume something harmful, contact our team at Valley Veterinary Services or emergency vet immediately.
  2. Keep Your Pets at Home During Trick-or-Treating
    I always recommend keeping your pets safe at home, away from the busy trick-or-treaters. As much as your dog might love their daily walks, Halloween night is full of unfamiliar sounds and sights that could scare them. Costumes, especially, can throw even the most well-behaved dogs off, and a friendly pat from a stranger in a spooky outfit might lead to anxiety—or worse, an aggressive reaction. My Advice: If you really want to take your dog out with you, make sure they’re on a secure leash and stay close by your side. But in most cases, it’s better for everyone—especially your pet—if they stay home in a familiar, quiet space.
  3. Costume Comfort is Key
    I know how much fun it is to dress up our pets for Halloween (I love seeing all the photos you send in!), but it’s important to make sure they’re comfortable in their costumes. Ill-fitting outfits can make it hard for them to move or breathe, and costumes with small parts can be chewed off and swallowed. My Advice: If you want to dress up your pets, choose a simple costume that doesn’t hinder movement, breathing, or visibility. Watch for signs of discomfort, and if your pet seems distressed, it’s better to skip the costume altogether. A cute Halloween-themed bandana is a simple and safe way for them to participate in the festivities without the stress.
  4. Create a Calm Space for Your Pets
    For pets staying at home during trick-or-treating, Halloween night can be a sensory overload. The constant ringing of the doorbell, the sight of strangers in costumes, and the strange smells can be overwhelming. Even dogs and cats that usually love people can become nervous when confronted with so many visitors. My Advice: Set up a quiet, cozy room for your pet away from the front door. Turn on the TV or some soft music to help drown out the sounds of trick-or-treaters. If your pet has a history of anxiety, especially during events like this, feel free to reach out our team at Valley Veterinary Services. We can discuss calming options to keep your pet comfortable.
  5. Secure Your Home and Pets
    I’ve seen many pets slip out the front door during all the Halloween excitement, so it’s important to make sure your pet can’t escape when you open the door for trick-or-treaters. If your dog will be greeting guests, I suggest keeping them on a leash to ensure they stay safe. Even the friendliest pets can get scared and bolt. My Advice: Double-check that your pet’s ID tags are up-to-date, and if they’re microchipped, make sure the information is current. It’s always better to be safe, especially on a night like Halloween when there’s so much going on.
  6. Decorate Safely
    Halloween decorations add a festive touch, but they can pose risks for curious pets. Candles inside pumpkins can easily be knocked over, causing a fire hazard, and electrical cords from decorations can be chewed on, leading to burns or electrocution. My Advice: Opt for flameless candles and keep decorations (especially anything your pet might find interesting) out of their reach.
  7. Be Aware of the Risk to Black Cats
    Black cats are sometimes targeted for cruel pranks around Halloween due to superstition. It’s always best to be cautious by keeping all pets, particularly black cats, indoors in the days leading up to and on Halloween night. My Advice: Protect your black cats (and any other pets) by keeping them indoors during Halloween. This reduces the risk of them being targeted for harmful pranks.

Final Thoughts Halloween should be fun for everyone, including your pets. By taking a few extra precautions, you can help them stay safe, comfortable, and happy while you enjoy the festivities.

If you ever have any concerns or questions, or if your pet gets into something they shouldn’t, don’t hesitate to contact us at Valley Veterinary Services. We’re here to help! Happy Halloween to you and your furry family members!

Written by Dr. Yuri Yoon