Veterinary Laser Therapy for Dogs & Cats

LASER is an acronym for “light amplification of stimulated emission of radiation”. It is also called photobiomodulation. It uses specific wavelengths of light to penetrate the skin and reach tissues, stimulating cellular function and promoting the body's natural healing processes. It is non-invasive and drug free option that is safe and effective for treating a variety of painful and inflammatory conditions. It can be use on its own or can use to supplement other treatment options.

How Does Dog and Cat Laser Therapy Work?

Laser therapy does not have any negative side effects and no sedation is required. It does not require shaving the hair over the area to be treated. A laser probe is use to send a concentrated beam of infrared light through the skin’s surface to trigger a variety of cellular reaction. There should be no pain involved.

How long does a laser treatment last?

The length of a laser treatment depends on the total dose of light energy to be delivered and how quickly the laser can deliver that energy. Laser might require treatment lasting 20 minutes or more, some might only require a few minutes.

When is laser therapy recommended?

Indications for laser therapy include wound healing, pain relief (both acute and chronic), tissue repair, prevention of tissue death, relieves inflammation and edema because of injuries or chronic diseases.

There are many conditions and symptoms that veterinary laser therapy can help with, including:

  • Dermatitis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Wounds and abrasions
  • Hematomas
  • Ear infections
  • Surgical incisions
  • Tendon and ligament injuries
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Lick granulomas

How Often Will My Pet Need Treatment?

Laser therapy effects are cumulative: Response should improve with each treatment and/or duration of response should increase with each treatment until a plateau is reached or condition is resolved.

Chronic injuries should be treated every other day initially. A good starting protocol could be 3 times week one, then twice the following week, then once a week later.

Acute injuries can be treated 2–3 days in a row then follow to every other day and so on. As response is noted, the time between treatments can be lengthen gradually until condition is resolved or acceptable patient comfort is maintained. This is often achieved in 6–10 treatments on average.

In severe or chronic conditions, treat at least weekly (twice weekly would be preferred) until resolved. Once to twice monthly intervals may be adequate for maintenance.

Are There Any Side Effects of Treatment?

There are none. Laser therapy has a wide margin of safety but is contraindicated for pregnancy, cancers, hemorrhagic areas, endocrine glands, pediatric joints, transplant patients or immunosuppressed patients and photosensitive patients.

Veterinary staff and patients should always wear protective eyewear during treatment as laser beams directed at an eye are capable of causing permanent damage to both human, feline and canine retinas.

Book a consultation today to help you determine if your pet is a good candidate for laser therapy. Call us at 604-858-6560.